Sunday, 25 November 2012

Tales from the pub (again)

Last Wednesday (20.11.12) I played at the pub for what will probably be the final time this year (because of L having theatre commitments). At the end this chap who'd listened to the set came and had a word. He was glowing in his praise and really full of warmth about my playing. It was a really nice confidence boost. As I was about to leave, he said he had a chromatic from way back which he would like to give me! Whether that materializes is unimportant, I just took it as a huge compliment to my playing. Yay!

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Tudhoe gig

Played last night at the Tudhoe Victory Club. We were the first of three bands. It worked out pretty well and I think a good sound was created overall. I was feeling fairly confident and the B/Blues lead and solo worked out well. The solo for Grapevine was good too. I think I'm doing ok.