Sunday 17 July 2011


Rain! Playing on a balcony. Didn't go too well. Don't care because it's the last one of the summer and now I get a rest! The gapping worked really well and the harp played nicely (even if I did miss a few notes).

Thursday 14 July 2011


I've tried to change the gapping on the Special 20 twice now. The reason I wanted to do it was that sometimes the #4 draw is very sluggish to respond. I don't think I draw particularly hard through the instrument but it still takes a moment to sound and sometimes doesn't sound at all. Doesn't inspire confidence, especially as, once I get in the 'zone' at a gig, I tend to play louder which makes the problem worse.

Anyway, I gapped it using a petrol receipt! It seems to have had a positive effect and the hole responds quickly now. Last time the effect did not last so, hopefully, this time it will be permanent.

Gig on Sunday! Looking forward to it. Last night's pub practice went well. :) yay!