Thursday 18 October 2012


I finally plucked up courage and sent a short message and video clip (of the solo in Grapevine) to the outstanding harmonica player and teacher Adam Gussow. I was really pleased that he was kind enough to reply and also greatly encouraged by his comments.

Thanks for your thanks, and the clip. You've got a strong groove and decent tone--loud, solid. Actually, you've got very good single notes. You're definitely not playing mush-mouth harp. What you need next is some vibrato. I'm glad I helped you find your way to third position. You're definitely the sort of player whom I would urge to keep at it, rather than somebody who I would point towards basket-weaving or the like. Not everybody inspired by my videos actually has enough talent to make it worth their while, but I think you do. Keep having fun! Thanks again.
